Discover the AI SDR Secret: Ayna's 4x Meeting Success from 45 Outbound Emails

Discover how Ayna leveraged Floworks' AI SDR, Alisha, to achieve 4 meetings from 45 emails, transforming sales outreach efficiency.

Discover the AI SDR Secret: Ayna's 4x Meeting Success from 45 Outbound Emails

Productivity and effectiveness are crucial elements in today's sales game. Ayna, an AI-powered SaaS company, saw remarkable success by booking 4 meetings with just 45 outbound emails. What made this happen? Floworks' game-changing product, Alisha, an AI SDR tool.

Ayna's Sales Challenge

Ayna faced a common challenge in sales:

To Generate high-quality leads without the costly and time-consuming procedure of finding them. Traditional lead generation methods often felt like a shot in the dark—time-consuming, costly, and with uncertain outcomes.

Usually, businesses see a 5% reply rate for 1,000 cold emails, and around 0.25% of those replies lead to actual meetings. Ayna needed to find a way to make their outreach better, reach the right people, and see solid results.

This is where AI SDR outbound strategies came into play

Floworks' Solution: Alisha an AI SDR

Floworks, one of the leading AI SDR companies, introduced Ayna to an AI SDR agent named Alisha. Designed to revolutionize lead generation by automating workflows, it drove precision in targeting and, at the same time, made interactions smooth and seamless.

Here’s how our AI SDR tool made a difference for Ayna:

Automated Prospecting:

Identifying potential customers is the very foundation of the sales game. Imagine human SDR spending hours searching databases, LinkedIn, and other sources to find potential leads. Sounds too time-consuming, right? Ayna was facing the same challenge.

The AI SDR’s targeting capabilities allowed Ayna to reach the most promising prospects. By analyzing huge amounts of data, our AI SDR agent—identified ideal customer personas (ICPs) and reached out to leads that were more likely to convert.

Alisha was able to detect that businesses frequently searching for AI-driven photoshoot services and having a significant online presence were prime candidates. By providing a simple input of the client profile, Alisha was able to reach out to these prospects with the necessary details promptly, which boosted the effectiveness of Ayna's outreach efforts. This precise targeting ensured that the right message reached the right people, increasing the chances of conversion significantly.

Personalized Outreach:

Another crucial piece in the sales machinery is that of gaining and holding prospects’ interest, wherein comes the need for personalizing mail and messages that help foster a deeper connection, making the prospect feel understood and valued. A human SDR might take weeks and send out a standard email template to a list of prospects, hoping for a response, resulting in hardly 12% of the open rate, in turn giving an even lower rate for booked meetings.

The AI SDR, however, took it to the next level and made personalized communication at scale a reality. Where human SDRs took days or even a week to personalize and polish these 45 emails, Alisha did it almost instantaneously, with accuracy and scale unmatched by any person. This AI SDR tool can quickly assess incoming emails and tailor them based on the prospect’s behavior, preferences, and previous interactions.

Alisha's hyper-personalization of messages to each lead, with a flair that would rival a leading professional, created firmer relationships and maximized the potential opportunity for engagement.

This level of personal touch was crucial to grabbing the interest of potential clients.

24/7 Engagement: 

While human SDRs need rest and work within specific hours, AI SDRs are tireless. AI SDR agents can engage with prospects at any time of day, providing immediate responses to inquiries just like Alisha.

This round-the-clock availability ensures that no lead is left waiting, improving the chances of conversion and customer satisfaction. Alisha eliminated the need for manual work and took over the task of personalized outreach.

One of Aayna's prospects was based in the US and often reached out during US business hours, which corresponded to the middle of the night in India. This made it challenging for Aayna's sales representatives to respond promptly.

However, with Alisha, Aayna never missed a single prospect query, regardless of the time zone difference. Also, instead of spending hours or even days on mundane and repetitive tasks, Ayna’s team could focus on refining their sales and service strategies to nurture high-potential leads, confident that Alisha was managing the outbound email campaign efficiently and without missing a single lead.

Effortless Scheduling of Meetings:

In most cases, scheduling meetings requires a great deal of back and forth between prospects and sales representatives.

This AI SDR saved Ayna from this cumbersome task and made it easy with perfect mail responses where prospects just had to click their preferred time slot; the AI SDR assistant would do the rest. That made meeting scheduling very fast and efficient, removing much friction from the scheduling process and ensuring a seamless experience for potential clients.

Imagine the tedious task of keeping track of the calendar. But to Astha, the founder of Ayna, it was a pleasant surprise one morning to see her AI SDR assistant's 24/7 availability pay off, swiftly booking 2 meetings in her calendar.

Impressive Results:

With Alisha, Ayna’s outbound email campaign achieved unprecedented success:

- Emails Sent: 45

- Open Rate: 28%

- Meeting Booking Rate: 8-9%

- Meetings Booked: 4

These results highlight a notable rise in efficiency and efficacy. Compared to the typical 5% reply rate and 1% meeting booking rate from conventional methods, this AI SDR’s approach produced outstanding outcomes with minimal resources.

“It takes a lot of time and resources to find and retain talented human SDRs and to train and motivate them. On the other hand, AI SDRs enable the effective elimination of these needs, thus providing scalability and consistency concerning sales development. Moreover, in this evolving landscape, Alisha—AI SDR turns out to be a very valuable companion in terms of working together with human SDRs toward better productivity and sales success. It’s one of the best tools we have.” says Ayna’s co-founder.

Ayna’s success story is just one example of how leveraging AI SDR technology can transform sales processes. This AI SDR did not only bring impressive results to Ayna with less effort, but it also showed the future of low-cost, effective lead generation.

These impressive results will now have Ayna gearing up to leverage more of its AI SDR assistant, striving to outperform the current results and further optimizing its lead generation efforts.

With automation, intelligent targeting, and hyper-personalized communication, Floworks provides an end-to-end solution to optimize any business's sales efforts and replicate similar success.

Want to know how AI SDR tools can boost your sales? Looking for effective AI SDR outbound strategies?

 See how AI-driven lead generation with Floworks can benefit you and how Alisha can help you make a win in the sales world.

Visit Floworks to learn more and get started.